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Our therapeutic methods

Every disease has a different origin which has to be treated on the appropriate level after prior diagnostics.

First of all the physical as well as the subconscious level are analysed. In addition to the medical diagnosis we use:
- Diagnostics based on ethnomedical knowledge for topics in the unconscious
- The vital field energy diagnostics
- The Chinese meridian energy analysis
- Psycho-kinesiological mothods of testing

The following options for therapy are at our disposal for the respective causes of disease

Symptoms based on physical diseases
- Medication in consultation with the physician or specialist in charge
- Orthomulecular substitution therapy to build up and counterbalance missing substances

Symptoms caused by diseases in the energy body
- High-frequency vital field regulation therapy
- Acupuncture according to Dr. Tanīs dynamic balance methode to regulate the meridian system
- Scenar-therapy to treat acute pain
- Homeopathic healing essences
- Metabolic balance due to changes in nutrition and lifestyle

Symptoms of diseases from an emotional cause
- Working with the subconsiousness with the help of our constellation work
- Psycho-kinesiology
- Therapeutic hypnosis

Symptoms caused by diseases in the mental body (thought patterns)
- Working on key principles blocking your body
- Assistance with analysis of potential
- Strengthening the original vision

Symptoms with karmic cause
- Detect karmic entanglements in order to open the blockage and start being active
- Detect and integrate karmic ressources

therapeuticpractices DDr. Wallner - therapeuticpractices